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Focus Googol = Focus Yourself

Date:2014-05-07     Views:2444

To promote the industry, from May 2014, Googol Power’s Wechat platform will add a column to introduce the top50 generator companies.

The platform have four columns, first is Generator industry information .Second is top Companies Marketing and innovation ways. Third is Googol newest research and achievements. Four is TOP50 companies introduction and information.

Googol , what it can bring to the world and to the industry?

Most of companies manufacture products and sell .But in our mind, power generators are only a small part of our products, Leading industrial innovation ideas and advanced administration are also which we want to manufacture.

Googol Power, focus on communication of generator industry and promote the whole industry .Googol work hard to realize human’s sustainable development dream.

After opening, the platform wins high attention in generator industry. Fans increasing at the speed of hundreds people every day. Over 20 people Sino-US international team cross the Pacific Ocean is operating the platform .The platform collect comprehensive talents from china and America.

Focus Googol =Focus Yourself



