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GOOGOL Power Forum is for Future of Power generation

Date:2014-04-23     Views:2654

During Shanghai International Engine Expo in April 2014,Googol Power hold one of the finest high level seminar of Power generator industry in the world as an non-governmental organizer. Though the time was short, but still the Seminar brings a lot of success and achievements.

Though 2014 Seminar finished not so long ago ,People have begun to expect for seminar of Googol Power in 2015.

Representatives of Motortech German, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology China, Googol Power, FIAT from Italy, Internal Combustion Generation Association China were present at Launching Ceremony.

We get high attention and participation from some top engine manufacturing companies like FIAT Italy, Scania Sweden, Motortech German, Hongda Malaysia, Chongqing Cummins,Tianjin Lovol China, Shanghai Marathon,Fuzhou Leroy Somer China, Cummins generator technology company China, FG Wilson (Shantou, China)

Opening speech was given by Mr Li Kemin ,leading expert of China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Internal Combustion Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association (CEEIA) President Mr Yang Junzhi and Vice President Chen Huan also came and did a green energy forecast

Googol Power knows the needs of world in the engine field, so when GOOGOL POWER raise, world response.

Though the GOOGOL POWER’S forum gets success, we are still working on to maintain vitality, model innovation, lead influence and revolution to the industry in the future.

First, in the seminar we have to invite representatives of top power generator set manufacturers. We plan to invite TOP20 Power generator manufacturing companies in china region. Our evaluation for TOP20 is not according to their GDP, but comprehensive participation in technology innovation, administration innovation, brand administration and sales ability is the 4th standard.

Second, in the forum have to invite Global engines, alternator, controller, radiator,Speed governor and gas control system manufacturing leading 20 companies. We will provide a stage to let them share the leading design and innovation ideas to put forward the industry.

Googol Engine-tech Co.,ltd president Mr Wen Guosheng give speech on world’s new energy industry , and bring the light on challenges of Chinese companies in this era of Development.Representatives of World’s well known companies like MAN, SCANIA, volvo, MTU, Motortech, Guascor, HEINZMANN, Deepsea, Come from Europe; Achates, Woodward, Caterpillar from USA..Chinese companies like Cummins , Googol, Marathon  ,Leroy somer ,Zhongzhi,Qifeng also took part in.

FIAT Aisa sales director Mr Ze Haibing do speech



