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Diesel generator set of commissioning inspection steps

Date:2012-09-25     Views:2481

When you buy a diesel generator,how to choose a diesel generator?The customer concern the most is the pricesof diesel generators,according to brand points, there are many kinds of diesel engine generators.different diesel generators with different diesel engine power equipment,the price of generating set is different . diesel generating set manufacturer introduce how to compare the price of different diesel generators .

Firstly,Ask the old diesel engine generators' purchase time ,use and the reasons of sell now , ask  repair situation before,  what are the main components haved been changed,ask what problem will happen when using it, so that you can have a more comprehensive understanding of the system about the old diesel generators .

Secondly,Looking at old diesel generator plate and his appearance.which factory produce it, when the factory produce it, how long from producing distance now . See appearance paint whether is off, whether  some assorted defect,whether model have been eliminated. from signs and outward appearance to discriminant olddiesel generator condition.

Thirtly,commissioning through the rocking-turn crankshaft ,then open flywheel starting machine and so on, scrutinise commissioning the old diesel engine generators is very important step, specific inspection procedure is as follows..

1.Rocking-turn crankshaft, make the jet fuel supply.if nozzle a clear voice,means that nozzle and plunger vice performance is good; if wheel indoor no "wow" such abnormal noise, then explaining gear wear not serious.

2. Fluctuation open flywheel, if there is no sound means that  clearances between crankshaft main stem and bearing are not big.

3. Switch turn flywheel, driving the piston down close to check point, and then move from flywheel, such as no "da da" sound,means that wear between connecting rod shaft stem and tile are not serious.

4. Make cylinder pressure relief, rocking-turn crankshaft, when removing decompression, if piston reverse stretch big, flywheel rapidly rotating, explain cylinder piston ring wear and tear degree small. in the rocking-turn crankshaft, the oil pressure gauge pointer should be not less than one (1) or oil instructions re. mark can quickly rising, under pressure should be arduous.

5.if it is easy to start machine, smoke colorless or shallow ash, speed stability without noise, explain the olddiesel engine generators technology condition is good.



