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4.8 MW Power Plant Operates 24 Hours per Day to Provide Electricity to Villages in the South Kuril Islands of Russia

Date:2018-12-21     Views:8887

We are proud that the 4.8 MW power plant, manufactured by our company HONNYPOWER, operates 24 hours a day to provide electricity to villages in the South Kuril Islands of Russia. The ambient temperature is minus 30 degrees. 4.8MW power plant made of our HONNYPOWER works 24 hours a day and is minus 30 degrees at present.

Мы гордимся тем, что электростанция мощностью 4,8 МВт, изготовленная нашей компанией HONNYPOWER, работает 24 часа в сутки для обеспечения электроэнергией деревень в Южных Курилах России. Температура окружающей среды превышает 30 градусов.4.8MW power plant made by our HONNYPOWER works 24 hours per day and provides power for villages in Russia Southern Kuriles.Enviroment temperature in local is negative 30 degree at present.



