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Honny Power and Canton fair

Date:2015-03-23     Views:2823

China Import and Export Fair, also known as the Canton Fair, is held biannually in Guangzhou every spring and autumn, with a history of 55 years since 1957. Honny Power is representing the Hi-Tech industry of Guangdong province in canton fair from almost 10 consecutive Years. 

From April 15th to 19th 2015, we will exhibit our 400 KW US Googol Gas Power generator at booth number 3.1 J21-J22.  Honny Power is a leading Diesel, Gas and Dual fuel Power generators/ Power plants manufacturer in China. 
We have full capacity and vast experience in manufacturing & supply of power generators/ Power plants on turnkey bases in other countries around the world. 

We welcome all visitors & clients to come and visit us at canton fair and factory, which is located at 1 and half hour drive from canton fair. Our International sales team will be at our booth to assist and pass information about our Quality Power generators & Company.



